Annál is ijesztõbb a "hosszú Covid", mint gondoltuk

A Nature Medicine tanulmánya szerint a Covid-19-bõl felépült betegek, különösen azok, akik kórházi kezelésre szorultak, három évvel a fertõzés után is jelentõsen magasabb kockázatnak vannak kitéve a hosszú Covid és annak szövõdményei miatt. A hosszú Covid súlyos egészségügyi problémákhoz vezethet, beleértve neurológiai és tüdõbetegségeket, valamint növelheti a stroke és szívroham kockázatát - írta a Fortune.
2024-05-30 12:07:15

Child and three adults injured in shooting in east London

Police were called to Kingsland High Street, in Hackney, at about 21:20 BST, after reports of gunshots.
2024-05-30 02:06:31

Report recommends better police training following riots in France

Post Content
2024-05-29 22:08:13

Countries That Start With 'Z' and How They Got Their Names

Post Content
2024-05-29 20:08:38

'Sextortion guides' sold on social media, BBC finds

A BBC investigation has discovered guides for sale online that detail how to trick and blackmail victims.
2024-05-29 02:06:27

Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado higher than in Amazon: report

Post Content
2024-05-28 10:14:23

Luxury perfumes linked to child labour, BBC finds

2024-05-28 04:06:33

Melanoma skin cancer cases rising in UK

The biggest increase is among the over 80s, with a marked rise in cases in adults aged 25-49.
2024-05-27 02:06:57

Death toll climbs to 11 in Russian attack on Kharkiv DIY store

Post Content
2024-05-26 10:07:49

Secret filming finds dangerous criminals fled from probation hostel

Undercover reporting by the BBC reveals serious failings in the supervision of violent offenders.
2024-05-23 10:11:35

Tényleg olyan fantasztikusan halad Izrael gázai hadjárata? Lesújtó számokat közölt Amerika

Lesújtó adatokkal állt elõ az amerikai hírszerzés: Washington szerint Izrael rettentõ távol áll a Hamász felszámolásától - közölte a Times of Israel.
2024-05-23 10:08:11

Report: Israeli war cabinet tells hostage negotiators to keep trying

Post Content
2024-05-23 08:08:23

Weimar Triangle countries to be 'driving force' for European security

Post Content
2024-05-22 21:08:48

Report: Anti-Semitic incidents in Berlin at record high since October

Post Content
2024-05-22 17:09:31

Africa's data gap: Measuring the cost of not counting the dead

Just eight countries in Africa have adequate death registration systems, a BBC investigation finds.
2021-02-22 02:06:59

Laos records first Covid-19 death

Over one year into the pandemic, the southeast Asian country Laos has recorded its first Covid-19 related death, according to reporting from state-run news outlet Vientiane Times.
2021-05-09 19:05:45

Why older people are so much more vaccinated than younger people

Vaccination rates in America vary widely between blue and red states, between urban and rural populations and between those with college degrees and those without.
2021-08-28 12:05:44

Young children will pay the price if enough US adults don't get vaccinated against Covid-19, expert says

Children will likely pay the price for adults in the US not getting vaccinated at high enough rates to slow or stop the spread of Covid-19, which has been surging in most states, a vaccine expert said.
2021-07-14 11:05:48

Poor sleep linked to dementia and early death, study finds

Older adults who have significant difficulty falling asleep and who experience frequent night awakenings are at high risk for developing dementia or dying early from any cause, a new study finds.
2021-06-18 13:05:41

Rates of Covid-19 hospitalizations for children and adults under 50 reach their highest levels yet, CDC data shows

The pace of Covid-19 hospitalizations is surging across the US, with the rates for children and adults under 50 hitting their highest levels yet, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
2021-08-19 09:05:41

EU envoys back entry for non-essential travel

They recommend reopening borders for countries with low Covid rates - a list will be agreed this week.
2021-05-19 14:06:33

Older adults begin to catch up on all that they missed during the pandemic after Covid-19 vaccinations

With a mix of relief and caution, older adults fully vaccinated against Covid-19 are moving out into the world and resuming activities put on hold during the pandemic.
2021-03-31 11:09:23

Europe is learning a crucial Covid lesson

? Austria's lockdown measures are unprecedented in Europe ? FDA authorizes Pfizer and Moderna boosters for adults
2021-11-19 18:06:04

As Covid-19 hospitalizations rise, doctors hope vaccine approval and boosters can stave off the surge

As Americans face a daunting surge of Covid-19 hospitalizations -- with the rates for children and adults under 50 hitting their highest levels yet -- officials are hoping full approval of the vaccines could encourage more people to get vaccinated.
2021-08-23 11:05:43

Americans must stay vigilant despite high vaccination rates

As Americans gear up for a new school year against a backdrop of rising Covid-19 cases, experts say there is no time to waste in getting already rising vaccination rates even higher.
2021-08-10 10:12:28

'It's going to be within our capability' to prevent another coronavirus surge, Fauci says

The optimistic turn in Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths could end in another spike in infections, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday. But the US could still prevent that spike with higher vaccination rates.
2021-10-18 09:05:42

Nem semmi! A világ legjobbjai közé sorolták a Semmelweis Egyetemet: a Harvaddal és az Oxforddal kerültek egy listára ? Mutatjuk!

Világhírû egyetemekkel, a Harvarddal, az Oxforddal a Stanforddal került egy listára a Semmelweis Egyetem! Magyar felsõoktatási intézmény most elõször szerepel a Times Higher Education (THE) világrangsorának legjobb, 250-es mezõnyében.
2022-10-12 11:09:22

Covid-19 boosters could keep thousands of kids out of hospitals, but uptake remains low

Higher Covid-19 vaccination rates among US children could prevent thousands of pediatric hospitalizations and millions of missed school days, according to an analysis published Tuesday by the Commonwealth Fund and the Yale School of Public Health.
2022-11-15 15:06:34

Mortgage rates rise to nearly 6.3%, the highest since 2008

Mortgage rates jumped higher for the fifth week in a row, further pushing past 6% in the face of yet another aggressive rate hike from the Federal Reserve.
2022-09-22 20:08:12

Mortgage rates rise to nearly 6.3%, the highest since 2008

Mortgage rates jumped higher for the fifth week in a row, further pushing past 6% in the face of yet another aggressive rate hike from the Federal Reserve.
2022-09-23 00:08:15

China's vaccines could be less effective, but they're not a failure

Among more than 90 countries that are using Covid-19 vaccines from China, several countries have seen new Covid-19 outbreaks. Examples from these countries suggest that the Chinese vaccines may not be very effective at preventing the spread of the virus, but experts say they're not a total failure. CNN's David Culver has more.
2021-06-30 07:05:42

Sheriff's office's final report reaffirms no foul play in Bob Saget's death

The Orange County Sheriff's Office issued its final report into the death of Bob Saget on Tuesday and said it will comply with a court ordered permanent injunction blocking the release of additional details of the comedian's untimely death.
2022-03-15 20:12:10

Orange County Sheriff's Office's final report reaffirms no foul play in Bob Saget's death

The Orange County Sheriff's Office issued its final report into the death of Bob Saget on Tuesday and said it will comply with a court ordered permanent injunction blocking the release of additional details of the comedian's untimely death.
2022-03-15 20:13:43

US mortgage rates jump

Mortgage rates jumped higher this week as investors tried to make sense of data that gave mixed signals about the health of the US economy.
2022-08-26 04:06:32

Crime-hit Chicago grapples with police vaccine revolt

Vaccination rates have lagged among US police, even as Covid-19 becomes their leading cause of death.
2021-10-22 04:06:14

Romania is seeing record Covid cases. Autopsist says it goes beyond his training

Romania recorded one of the world's highest Covid-19 death rates per capita last week, according to Our World in Data, and less than one third of the country's adult population are fully vaccinated. CNN's Bianca Nobilo has more.
2021-11-02 05:05:41

US sees recent rise in maternal deaths -- and ongoing inequities, CDC report shows

There has been a slight rise in the number of women dying due to pregnancy or childbirth each year in the United States, and the maternal death rate among Black women is still three times the rate for White women, a new federal report shows.
2022-02-23 09:13:11

FDA is making second Covid boosters for all adults a high priority

US health officials are urgently working on a plan to allow second Covid-19 boosters for all adults, a senior White House official confirmed to CNN on Monday.
2022-07-13 02:10:58

Zweli Mkhize: Ex-South African minister implicated in Digital Vibes scandal

Zweli Mkhize's family gained from a health department Covid deal, an official report finds.
2021-09-29 18:06:43

US death rates are falling for many types of cancer, but not all, report says

US death rates from cancer continued to decline from 2014 to 2018, driven mostly by drops in deaths from lung cancer and melanoma, according to a new report published Thursday.
2021-07-08 14:05:42

Autopsy report says Bob Saget had Covid-19 and died as a result of blunt head trauma

Actor and comedian Bob Saget had Covid-19 but died as a result of "blunt head trauma," according to the autopsy report released today by the Orange County Medical Examiner's Office.
2022-02-11 01:09:33

Incoming Republican congressman under scrutiny for resume discrepancies

Incoming Republican Rep. George Santos may have misrepresented parts of his resume, a report in The New York Times finds.
2022-12-20 02:06:23

These 5 countries are opening up and living with Covid

More than 18 months into the coronavirus pandemic, a number of countries have decided it's time to open up and adopt a "living with Covid" model.
2021-09-16 07:05:47

EU plans summer opening for vaccinated tourists

After nearly a year of closed borders, the European Union could open in June to fully vaccinated vacationers from countries with low Covid infection rates in time for summer under a plan revealed on Monday.
2021-05-03 17:05:40

Global pandemic death toll is three times higher than reported Covid-19 deaths suggest, study finds

The Covid-19 pandemic may have been three times deadlier than the reported death toll suggests.
2022-03-11 02:06:35

Delta variant is ravaging the world, but it's pushing Southeast Asia to breaking point

Countries across Asia are grappling with their worst coronavirus outbreaks of the pandemic, spurred by low vaccine rates and the highly-contagious Delta variant.
2021-08-05 04:05:45

Figyelmeztet a Fed: lehet készülni a recesszióra és a magas inflációra

A Federal Reserve szerdán közzétett Bézs Könyvének felmérése a recessziós félelmek fokozódására utal, ráadásul az emelkedõ infláció is legalább az év végéig kitarthat ? számol be a hírrõl a CNBC.
2022-07-14 01:07:39

Peru more than doubles its official Covid-19 death toll, leaving it with world's worst death rate

Peru has more than doubled its official death toll from the Covid-19 pandemic following a government review of the figures, leaving the country with the highest coronavirus-related death rate per capita in the world.
2021-06-01 14:05:41

Why America's job market hasn't imploded

Despite a stock-market bounce in October that gave the Dow its biggest monthly gain in more than 45 years, economists are warning that there's a very real danger of recession in the United States. Mortgage rates are at their highest levels since 2002, consumer spending and business investment is falling and the Federal Reserve is fighting persistent inflation with higher interest rates.
2022-11-01 16:07:19

Find out which countries are welcoming international tourists back

There have been more than 142 million Covid-19 cases worldwide and vaccination roll outs have been much smoother in some countries than others. This pandemic is far from over, even though many of us are now itching to make plans to travel or to reunite with loved ones.
2021-04-21 11:05:40

Pockets of low vaccine uptake remain in Europe

Most European countries have Covid-19 vaccination rates that would be the envy of much of the world. But even here, hesitancy in certain areas is causing governments to take action -- or risk stalling their efforts to control the spread of the virus.
2021-09-24 10:05:49

Pockets of low vaccine uptake remain in Europe. Here's how 4 countries are dealing with them

Most European countries have Covid-19 vaccination rates that would be the envy of much of the world. But even here, hesitancy in certain areas is causing governments to take action -- or risk stalling their efforts to control the spread of the virus.
2021-09-24 14:05:46

Pockets of low vaccine uptake remain in Europe. Here's how 4 countries are dealing with them

Most European countries have Covid-19 vaccination rates that would be the envy of much of the world. But even here, hesitancy in certain areas is causing governments to take action -- or risk stalling their efforts to control the spread of the virus.
2021-09-24 14:05:46

EU plans summer opening for vaccinated tourists

After nearly a year of closed borders, the European Union could open in June to fully vaccinated vacationers from countries with low Covid infection rates in time for summer under a plan revealed on Monday.
2021-05-03 17:05:43

Doctor: The heartbreaking Covid cases I'm seeing

The summer got off to a fun start. As vaccines became increasingly accessible, many of us had a sense of relief. But somehow America has hit a wall: Only around 50% of the country is fully vaccinated, well below the target set by President Biden earlier in the summer. On Tuesday, however, the Biden Administration made a big announcement. They are once again recommending that masks be worn inside in areas where rates of transmission are considered "high" or "substantial," and on Thursday, they are expected to announce that federal workers and contractors will be required to be vaccinated or get...
2021-07-29 05:05:40

How long can retailers keep raising prices before consumers finally stop shopping?

Worries about an economic slowdown are running wild on Wall Street. Despite concerns about inflation, higher interest rates from the Federal Reserve, supply chain issues and geopolitical turmoil due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Covid outbreaks in China, American consumers continue to do what they do best: shop until they drop.
2022-05-15 19:08:06

Pandemic lockdowns improved air quality in 84% of countries worldwide, report finds

Coronavirus lockdowns led to air quality improvements in most countries, but the level of pollutants will likely rise as governments lift restrictions and economies swing back into gear, according to a new report.
2021-03-16 08:06:55

'Blockbuster' jobs report suggests Fed can raise rates without tanking the economy, Austan Goolsbee says

January's shockingly strong jobs report suggests the US economy is healthy enough to withstand the Federal Reserve's plans to raise interest rates in the coming months, former Obama economist Austan Goolsbee told CNN on Friday.
2022-02-06 00:17:43

US intelligence community review does not determine origin of Covid-19

The US intelligence community reached an inconclusive assessment about the origin of the Covid-19 virus following a 90-day investigation ordered by President Joe Biden, according to an unclassified report released publicly on Friday.
2021-08-27 22:05:40

Classified report with early support for lab leak theory reemerges as focal point for lawmakers digging into Covid-19 origins

A classified report drafted last year warning that the CovId-19 pandemic might have leaked from a lab in Wuhan has reemerged as a focal point with lawmakers seeking to revive the search for answers.
2021-06-07 13:05:42

UK lawmakers slam government's 'reactive' early Covid response in new report

The British government failed to act quickly enough in its initial Covid-19 response, enabling the virus to spread rapidly through communities and resulting in more than 138,000 deaths, lawmakers said in a damning report published Tuesday.
2021-10-12 08:05:44

Bob Saget's family awaiting medical examiner's report on his cause of death

Bob Saget's family is waiting for the results of his autopsy report and not speculating on his cause of death, two sources close to the late actor and comedian tell CNN.
2022-01-13 11:09:54

90-day review into origins of Covid ends, but public may have to wait on unclassified report

It has now been 90 days since President Joe Biden ordered the intelligence community to investigate the origins of Covid-19, but the public may have to wait a few more days to view an unclassified version of that report.
2021-08-25 05:05:39

UK house prices fall for first time in six months

Prices fell in March with higher mortgage rates affecting affordability, the Halifax says
2024-04-05 12:09:24


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