IT expert 'pressurised' by Post Office over evidence

Gareth Jenkins says he felt pressure from the Post Office over evidence he gave in the trial of Seema Misra.
2024-06-27 19:09:13

How the deal to free Julian Assange was agreed

Australian pressure, British legal process and a US realisation it needed a deal led to Wikileaks founder's release.
2024-06-26 08:08:48

Heat and strikes piling pressure on NHS, hospital bosses warn

A five-day walkout by junior doctors in England coincides with hottest week of the year.
2024-06-26 06:07:03

Conservatives heap pressure on Trudeau with by-election win

Post Content
2024-06-25 23:08:14

This city is worried about immigration, but who has the solution?

In Peterborough, Ed Thomas hears voters' concerns about social cohesion and pressure on public services.
2024-06-25 20:08:05

TikTok faces new US claim of violating child privacy

The allegation from US regulators adds to the growing pressure faced by the social media firm.
2024-06-19 05:07:43

EU must maintain sanctions pressure on Russia, Baerbock says

Post Content
2024-06-14 19:09:35

Political uncertainty puts French financial markets under pressure

Post Content
2024-06-11 20:08:43

Pressure on Biden to let US weapons strike Russia

Several Western allies have signalled they are open to Ukraine using their weapons against Russia.
2024-05-30 15:09:57

Shop price rises back to 'normal', says retail body

Household budgets have come under pressure as prices soared in the wake of the pandemic.
2024-05-28 07:08:05

Estonian FM: Hungary 'under great pressure' to explain EU obstruction

Post Content
2024-05-27 23:06:34

Pressure piles on Wales' FM as Plaid ends deal

2024-05-17 17:08:31

Court delays imposed after pressure on prison places

The measures are expected to be in place for about week in some regions in England where there is a lack of cells.
2024-05-15 19:08:11

China is a vital ally, but Mr Xi is facing increasing pressure to distance himself from his "dear friend".
2024-05-15 14:09:33

Russia's biggest airstrike in weeks piles pressure on Ukraine power grid

Post Content
2024-05-08 11:11:31

Garrick Club votes to allow female members

The private members' club had come under increasing pressure to allow women to join.
2024-05-08 04:06:50

Pro-Palestinian protests heap pressure on Biden from left and right

Joe Biden is caught between students demanding peace, and Americans concerned the unrest is disrupting education.
2024-05-04 20:08:03

Poland adds pressure on Germany over Taurus missiles for Ukraine

Post Content
2024-03-20 15:10:18

Over-40s urged to get free blood pressure checks

Millions of people do not realise they have dangerously high blood pressure that needs treating, says NHS England.
2024-03-11 06:07:32

Council spending on special needs transport doubles

The rising cost of getting children to school is a key driver of current pressure on council budgets.
2024-03-27 07:09:13

Post Content
2024-05-02 17:09:27

Disney boss declares new era after job cuts

The entertainment giant has been under pressure as its traditional movie and film businesses decline.
2023-11-09 02:06:30

Sam Altman in talks to rejoin OpenAI board - reports

Reports say negotiations aimed at his possible reinstatement are ongoing, as pressure from staff grows.
2023-11-22 03:06:25

Martin Lewis: 'I have dark days mental health wise'

The "Money Saving Expert" says pressure of being a trusted voice on finance is "horrendous".
2023-12-13 12:11:18

Netanyahu vows to defy allies on Rafah invasion

The Israeli prime minister says no international pressure will stop Israel from achieving all its war aims.
2024-03-17 16:07:58

Labour ousts Tories in Blackpool South by-election

Labour supporters are celebrating a huge 26% swing from the Tories, heaping pressure on Rishi Sunak.
2024-05-03 06:07:19

Boss of Australian telecoms firm Optus quits after outage

Kelly Bayer Rosmarin has been under pressure to quit after overseeing a tumultuous period for the firm.
2023-11-20 02:06:27

Gérard Depardieu's obscene remarks shown in new documentary

The French actor is under renewed pressure as a programme shows him sexually demeaning women.
2023-12-08 21:08:22

Shipping faces showdown over greenhouse gases

Global maritime industry faces a major decision on curbing carbon as pressure grows for a net-zero target.
2023-07-03 12:18:01

Netanyahu isn't backing down on judicial overhaul despite pressure from Biden

Despite the tens of thousands of protesters, the increase in refusals to serve by military reservists and even a very public and harsh criticism of the judicial overhaul plan by US President Joe Biden, Netanyahu refused to back down.
2023-07-21 17:13:47

5 questions about Iran's nuclear deal announcement

Iran has announced it will no longer fully comply with the landmark nuclear deal it signed with the United States and five other nations in 2015, following Washington's own reneging on the agreement and increased diplomatic and military pressure on Tehran.
2023-05-19 11:07:29

Israel passed a bill to limit the Supreme Court's power. Here's what comes next

Israel's parliament on Monday passed the controversial "reasonableness" bill, the first major legislation in the government's plan to weaken the judiciary, despite six months of protests and American pressure against the most significant shakeup to the court system since the country's founding.
2023-07-24 18:24:34

Israel-Hamas war rages as outcry grows over Gaza crisis

As civilian casualties mount, Israel is facing increased international pressure over its campaign against Hamas in Gaza. "Nothing justifies the horror being endured by civilians," a WHO spokesperson said. Follow for live updates.
2023-11-08 07:06:12

Iranian activists accuse morality police of assault after teenage girl hospitalized

Activists on Wednesday accused Iran's morality police of assaulting a teenage girl for not wearing a headscarf in a Tehran metro station, leading to her hospitalization with serious injuries. But Iranian authorities and the teenager's parents said she was hospitalized due to low blood pressure.
2023-10-05 11:06:13

Erdogan hails 'special relationship' with Putin ahead of crucial runoff vote

Turkey has a "special" and growing relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin despite mounting pressure on Ankara to help bolster Western sanctions against Moscow, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an exclusive interview ahead of next week's presidential election runoff.
2023-05-19 12:07:33

Támadás készült Bécsben, lépett az osztrák hatóság

Letartóztattak egy 16 éves fiút, aki állítólag támadást tervezett egy bécsi zsinagóga ellen - közölte Ausztria belügyminisztere a brit Sky News beszámolója szerint.
2023-12-11 16:07:43

Kiderült, mennyi pénz maradt az Ukrajnának szánt hatalmas segélycsomagban

A Kongresszus által tavaly decemberben jóváhagyott 48 milliárd dolláros ukrajnai segélycsomagból körülbelül 6 milliárd dollár maradt, ami azt jelenti, hogy a fegyverekre és ellátmányokra szánt amerikai finanszírozás nyár közepére elapadhat ? számolt be róla a Politico.
2023-05-16 18:10:44

Már most hullámokat ver a tőzsdéken az újabb háború

A Hamász Izrael elleni támadása és a helyzet eszkalálódása azzal fenyeget, hullomákat kelt a tőzsdéken - írja a Bloomberg. Néhány azonnal hatás már most is látszik - az olaj vagy az arany árának megugrása - viszont jóval több vállalat érezheti meg a konflikus hatásait, beleérve chipgyártókat, védelmi cégeket, valamint gyógyszergyártókat.
2023-10-09 10:08:13

Így csökkenthető gyógyszer nélkül a vérnyomás

Elárulták a szakértők, hogyan csökkenthető leghatékonyabban a vérnyomás a The Conversation új cikkében. Egy új tanulmány szerint erre azok a gyakorlatok a legalkalmasabb, amelyekhez egy statikus testhelyzetet kell fenntartani hosszú időn keresztül. A két leghatásosabb ezek közül az ülő faltámasz és az úgynevezett plank, amely során az embernek egy fekvőtámaszhoz hasonló pózt kell felvennie. Antonio Saba / Getty Images A plank nevű gyakorlat illusztrációja. A kutatás eredményei azt mutatták, hogy hetente három ilyen izometrikus gyakorlat elvégzése annyira lecsökkenti a magas vérnyomást, mint az...
2024-05-22 11:07:37

Sinn Fein Set for N.Ireland Election Win, Adds Pressure on DUP

Post Content
2023-05-20 21:11:02

Russia: Instability ratchets up pressure on Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin's mixed messages on the Wagner mutiny have been raising eyebrows and changing perceptions of him.
2023-06-26 04:06:51

Peru allows abortion of 11-year-old rape victim after UN pressure

Post Content
2023-08-17 05:31:12

Russia's military ties with Iran will withstand geopolitical pressure -RIA

Post Content
2023-08-26 10:45:08

UK government facing pressure to rethink China stance

Tory MPs call for China to be branded a threat, amid spy claims following the arrest of a Commons researcher.
2023-09-11 07:32:16

Poland: Government under pressure over escalating cash for visas scandal

Media reports say migrants paid up to $5,000 (?4,000) each to speed up work visa applications.
2023-09-16 20:04:43

Russians put civilians in occupied territories under pressure and rob them

Post Content
2023-10-08 11:10:43

Ukraine war: Military chiefs in Kyiv under pressure over deadly Russian strike

President Zelensky demands answers after Russia hits Ukrainian soldiers said to be at an award ceremony.
2023-11-05 20:07:02

Gaza war: US and UK raise pressure on Israel to protect hospitals

US and UK say civilians must protected, as Israel shows video it says shows a Hamas base under one medical facility.
2023-11-14 16:07:45

Rwanda: Tory MPs under pressure to back Rishi Sunak's plan

Rishi Sunak's emergency legislation has attracted criticism from both sides of his party.
2023-12-08 16:09:47

Bowen: US vetoes ceasefire call but pressure is building

Israel rejects the UN chief's description of the war in Gaza as a "risk to international peace and security".
2023-12-08 22:09:26


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